"My Hero Academia: You're Next" Delivers More of the Same

 My Hero Academia: You’re Next

Director: Tensai Okamura
Studio: Toho 
Genre(s): Action
Rated: PG-13 (For violence and bloody images)

Near the beginning of "My Hero Academia: You're Next" our main hero Deku and his teammates are on a rescue mission. While the opening is basically par the course for these movies, it dawned on me how much more confident and serious Deku was at the beginning here, as opposed to the past where he was nervous and still learning on the job. It's nice to know that after more than a decade of these movies, the main hero is capable of not only becoming stronger but also maturing to the point where I almost forgot how annoying he was when this franchise started.

This may be one of the reasons why despite being the fourth (or is it fifth) outing on the big screen with these characters, the franchise remains a lot of fun even (I suspect) for those who are not fully invested in the larger "My Hero Academia" universe. That being said, "My Hero Academia: You're Next" may require the most homework out of all the movies to date. The fact that the main antagonist is taking on the identity of the iconic All Might as a way to gain a loyal following for his devious scheme already requires the viewers to know who All Might is.

The introduction of a mysterious girl and a part cyborg butler who is determined to kill her thankfully is explained in more detail so that viewers can come in blind about that plot point. What ultimately matters is the action sequences, which maintain the fun and high quality that previous films have established. There is even a climax where there is no dialog, showing why animation is still one of the greatest visual storytelling mediums. If you are unfamiliar with "My Hero Academia" should you jump into this? Probably not, but if you've been along for the ride so far I see no reason not to grab an e-ticket and go around again.
