Director: Pablo Berger Studio: Neon Genre(s): Drama Rated: Not Rated |
Pablo Berger’s “Robot Dreams” is the kind of old-fashioned
film they don’t make anymore that speaks to the human condition in ways that
are as surprising as they are profound. Who would have thought that a movie
where a dog builds a robot companion would have so much to say about humanity's
need for companionship, the moral destroyer that is loneliness, and the need to
accept new circumstances as they arise? And the film does all of this without
uttering a single word of dialog. Amazing.
The story: Dog lives a lonely life. He makes his TV dinners and watches his sitcoms. Yet, when he looks out the window, he sees others having fun with their friends/significant others/co-workers, and he decides to buy a robot for companionship (no parents, he’s not looking for THAT kind of companionship). When the built robot provides the companionship that Dog needs, life instantly becomes less lonely and more fun. Ah, but life is unpredictable and unkind in many ways, for one day Robot gets stuck on the beach, and through various circumstances, Dog can’t get to his friend until summer.
During that time life goes on. Things change. Dog meets new friends while Robot finds himself moved by bystanders who have access to the beach. Throughout the film, we hope the two friends are reunited, but then a funny thing happens: circumstances change for our protagonists. While there was no official fallout or anything, the two find their lives moving in different directions. It soon becomes apparent that the two reuniting isn’t as important near the end of the film as it was near the beginning.
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